Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Caching Game

"When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity."
Dale Carnegie

I really do enjoy the game of geocaching. It has provided a great source of fun and enjoyement for me for several years now. We have found out that the way we cache as well as our personal goals associated with this game have changed over the years.
When we first started geocaching, we were really obsessed with numbers and first to finds. At the time, we thought it was cool to grab a new cache before anyone else, and I must say, we still enjoy a good FTF every now and then. But now, I am just as happy to see caches being placed throughout the Jackson area for us to find when we have the chance. We don't have the chance to cache quite as often anymore, but that just makes it more special when we go.
My goals associated with this game are now just to find time to go out and have fun with my wife and my friends. Numbers no longer hold any big interest. Now, event caches have now became our favorite caches!! We absolutely love going to events and we make every effort to attend all the events in our area.
The picture above is from Monkeybrad's Amazing Georace. What a great weekend! I'll never forget the fun we had and all the friends we made.
To me, that's what this game is about, making friends and having fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a great weekend, and yes I agree, event caches are great, can't wait till next month, we have 3 events scheduled!!!!!