Sunday, December 16, 2007
JAG Christmas Event
Thursday, November 15, 2007
There's a Change Coming!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Cat Scratch Fever?

I saw this post on River Valley Geocachers site and decided to post it here.....Ted Nugent at his best!!
Teditorial: Today's parents raising wimps & zombies
Ted Nugent: Today's parents are raising wimps and zombies
Why imprison kids in bubble wrap? By Ted Nugent Sergeant York worked the bolt on his 1903 Springfield rifle like a shooting ballerina. Germans fell like so many jellyheads on a Tennessee turkey shoot, his bullets hitting the mark, round after round after round. Like so many heroes of our U.S. military warriors, the good Sergeant was raised in rural America, hunting, fishing, trapping, shooting and basically rough-housing his adventurous youth to become a rugged, independent, Johnny-on-the-spot, thinking individual. He was more than capable of improvising, adapting and overcoming. From WWI dogfighting aces through infantrymen who set the bar for courage and effectiveness in combat, they proved and continue to prove that the American Way is the best way to hone a real man's instincts to perform under pressure through the physical regimentation of a rough-and-tumble, outdoor upbringing.
Compare that to the ever-increasing tendency of citified families to avoid skinned knees, bashed heads, scrapes and bruises and other badges of honor of a naturally adventurous youth. They are captives of and contributors to a hyper-litigious society scared to death of kids being kids. Today's often disconnected "living room" youth can thumb a video game all day long, destroying the planet and blowing up everything and everybody in sight, without any danger whatsoever of ripping a fingernail. Wimps and zombies, they are. Poor, underdeveloped, soft, thumbnuts, incapable of manhandling a wrench, changing a tire on a bicycle or skinning a rabbit. Pathetic. When I was growing up in the shadow of the Greatest Generation, following our victory over the evil Japanese Empire and the Nazis, boys didn't sit around twiddling their thumbs and zombying out in front of the TV. We exuberantly sought that road less traveled, our own fascinating passage to manhood.
We built improvisational forts in the woods, dug tunnels, climbed trees, constructed tree forts out of scraps, competed with our Daisy Red Ryder BB guns, hunted rabbits and squirrels, threw rocks and skipped stones. Sometimes at each other. We were all fascinated by guns, knives, wrenches, hammers, nails, saws, crowbars, campfires and the fine art of cutting marshmallow-roasting branches just right. We were all enrolled and studying hard at the Motorskill Manly Coordination University of America. And we studied hard.
Sure, there were plenty of scary trips to the emergency ward - blood and tears flowing all around. But I am convinced that these are the trials, tribulations and essential rituals necessary for boys to pursue in order to become productive, capable men, leaders of households and protectors of family and society. Taking care of business What good is a man who cannot take care of mechanical business? The very act of climbing a tree and tying a rope to a limb for swinging over a water hole teaches much about improvisational creativity, physics and teamwork. It's brainpower coordinated with physical muscle development. That it presents the real, tangible danger of falling and getting hurt is critical in the forming of survival skills and real-world cause-and-effect lessons. Walking and exploring together with buddies. Investigating a rocky hill, a gravel bar on the river. Cutting and sharpening a sapling to form a makeshift spear, and then learning to stalk and stab a fish. These are skills critical to every imaginable scenario that we will all encounter at some point in life.
That kids can't even carry a pocketknife to school anymore is an indictment to a societal negativity and denial that does much more harm than good. Hell, in my youth, millions of kids brought guns to school for ROTC marksmanship drills and during the hunting season, and nobody was getting shot. Discipline at home and at school was the guiding force then. Today, we're worried about "feelings" and arresting kids for carrying butter knives and aspirin. God help us all. So drag that kid away from the TV set. Get them a bow and arrow. Take them to the woods. Teach them how to make a campsite and make a fire. Turn them on with the healing powers of nature and the soulful joys of challenge and independence. It will cleanse their souls and strengthen their bodies and minds.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Caching Game
Dale Carnegie
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Singing Around The Campfire

Thursday, August 23, 2007
The JAG Nation!

It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place. ~Henry Louis Mencken
Anybody who really knows me knows I am an honest person. My word actually means something! If I say something to you, you can rest assured I mean it. It has been brought to my attention that recently a few individuals thought it would be fun to try to spread rumors about me. To that I say, these people really need to get a life!! Moving on.........
JAG hosted a couple of fun events over the weekend that helped me remember why I love being a part of "The JAG Nation". First, we had a breakfast event that was very well attended. The food was great and it was really nice to see several new cachers from the area. We ate a great breakfast and then sat around and talked about caching for a while. Soon everyone was ready to head out for the next event.
We headed toward our next JAG event, mini golfing!! On the way there, we headed up a caravan of geocachers and grabbed a few caches here and there. When we arrived at the event location, there were already several cachers there sweating in the heat and before you know it, the entire golf course was full of JAG cachers whacking at little round balls of every color in the rainbow. It was a blast!!
After we all finished our games, it was time for the awards ceremony. Salamander60 placed first, Sweet Thang, (his wife) placed second, and Mrs T placed third. volnuts son Little Slugger even made a hole in one during the game!!! WTG!! There were tons of door prized handed out and just about everyone received something.
After the awards, I allowed everyone in attendance to go log my Special K cache which was very close to the mini golf course. (I had planned to change out the container so it could hold larger items anyway!) Everyone seemed to have a good time on a group cache hunt with only two GPSr's between them!!!
By this time everyone was starting to get hungry again so we headed over to Zaxby's for lunch and some much needed air conditioning!!
Yep, it helped me appreciate "The JAG Nation" and all the good friends I have here. Friends who know when I say something, they can trust me. Not because of some rule or contract, but because we're friends and that's just what friends do!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
JAG Goes Camping

I had a really great time attending the 1st Annual JAG Campout and Midnight Weenie Roast over the last weekend. The turnout wasn't quite as good as I had hoped, but we had several really good friends who came out and braved the heat and it made this weekend very memorable.
We sat up camp on Friday at Mousetail Landing State Park on the edge of the Tennessee River and the fun quickly began. Mrs. T and I started grilling some chicken while we sat up our camp and soon had a very cool site in which to spend the weekend. I will add that we didn't really "rough it" this weekend as we had water and electric hookups at the site and brought our fan, electric skillet, coffee pot, toaster, radio, etc. to make the weekend even more fun.
RiverNWick and lilriver already had their tent up, and before you know it JoGPS, yogi and dolphin and jj77, The Shamrock and LLC had their camp sites up and we were enjoying fun around the campfire. We roasted marshmallows and talked for hours.
On Saturday, we popped up out of the bed early and brewed up some coffee and then had a great breakfast of eggs, sausage and bacon, and toast with butter and jelly. Hard to beat!!
Our day consisted of sitting around camp for a while and catching up with our friends and then for lunch we went to the first event of the weekend, JAG Nations First Annual BBQ. The event was held at the Mousetail Pavillion which turned out to be a great place to host an event I might add!! Several other cachers started showing up for this event including Keymaker, salpal and tennis40Love, cedarbear, horner58, turkey creek and tictac, and many more.
We watched yogi sweat over the grill while cooking up the hamburgers and hotdogs as all the other cachers sat around and talked to one another. After eating, a few cachers headed out to hike the trails and a few went on a cache run, but several of us sat around and played Mexican Train dominoes for a long time. It was fun to relax and not think about much of anything for a while.
After the event was over, we headed back to the campsite and sat around talking for a while, just relaxing around the campsite. It wasn't long before a few other cachers started showing up including The Bluff Boys who had been out caching during the day.
Before we knew it, it was time to head over to our next event, The JAG Crew Goes to the FishHouse. We made our way over to Perryville and waited around till our room was ready and then had a great meal as we talked around the table. The catfish was awesome!!! Then it was time to head back to camp again where we built one of the biggest campfires I have ever seen.
Everyone sat around the fire and talked, sang songs, and just enjoyed each others company till it was time for our next event, the 1st Annual JAG Campout and Midnight Weenie Roast The fire was so hot, we could barely get close enough to roast the weenies and marshmallows without getting burned, but we made do and soon it was time to hit the sack again.
After another good nights sleep, we were up and had another great breakfast at the campsite, and then it was time for the last event of the weekend, JAG Crew Cleans the MouseTail We all CITO'd around the campground and then broke camp, packed up and headed on our way.
It was a good time, and everyone who attended really seemed to agree we would like to schedule another campout again later in the fall. I hope the fall event will be attended by a few more cachers, but if not, I know those who attend will have fun just the same. At least I know I will!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Good Friends, Good Times

A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. -- Fr. Jerome Cummings
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends. -- Cindy Lew
Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure. -- Jewish Saying
"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you." -- Elbert Hubbard
"Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure." -- Jewish saying
My good friend dalls just reached his 1K milestone and in the geocaching world, that's big news!! dalls has found over 1000 geocaches and in recognition of this achievment, the JAG Nation held a special event in his honor.
His real name is Dallas, but I guess that name was taken when he started geocaching so he stuck with the name dalls. He does go by a few other names as well, but I won't go into them here!!!
Dallas has told me that I was somewhat responsible for getting him into geocaching. He read an article in The Jackson Sun back in 2005 that was written about me and Mrs. T and how we started geocaching and it set into motion what has now become a geocaching machine.
I have had the priveledge of going on several cache runs with dalls and always enjoyed his company and sense of humor.
I guess you could say that dalls was the creator of the geocaching team "The Bluff Boys" and he was involved in hosting the First Golden Circle GeoRace. To say the least, he has been very busy and very involved in the geocaching world in the Jackson area.
The event to honor his achievement was held at Corky's BBQ in Jackson and we packed the house!! I think he received more ammo cans at his 1K event than any other event we have attended. Not only did he get the customary Golden Ammo Can, but he also recieved several pink containers, a "Little Gay Bluff Boy" ammo can painted in rainbows and pastel colors and he recieved a red ammo can with an unforgettable picture of The Bluff Boy himself. He recieved a few Care Bears too as well as the usual SWAG.
After the lunch at Corky's, we all went over to watch the Diamond Jaxx baseball game and then stuck around to watch the fireworks show afterwards. AWESOME!
I haven't known Dallas very long, but I know he is the kind of guy who will do anything to help out a friend and he's also a good guy to have in your corner when things go sour.
Dallas is hapily married to his beautiful wife Angela, and he has three awesome kids, Brittney, Ripley, and Bryson. I don't think Angela is into the whole geocaching thing. Seems like Brittney cached with dalls a few times, but like most teenagers she has other things to do. Bryson is a little young to do much caching, so Ripley has become dalls main caching partner and a good caching partner she is!!
Well, I know we all had a great day celebrating dalls 1K, it was a great day with Good Friends, and Good Times!