"A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops." -- Gen. John J. Pershing
I saw that quote this week and it really made a lot of sense to me. I looked up a few definitions of the word "demoralize" and found it to be quite interesting.
To demoralize someone is when you make someone feel less hopeful or less enthusiastic. It's also when you cause others to feel discouraged by the magnitude of the problem; to feel dispirited, unnerved, shaken, weakened.
Believe me, this is not the type of leader I would choose to be and I can tell you honestly, it's not the type of leader I would choose to follow.
That is another one of the things I really enjoy about JAG, we all "lead" this group together. We actually talk about our decisions as a group and we are very "like-minded." We almost always see things the same way, but when we don't agree, we work together to find a general concensus that suits the group and keeps us going in the right direction.
As JAG continues to grow, we must keep ourself grounded and keep our primary goal just that, primary. You see, we in the JAG Nation are just a group of cachers that like to spend time together and have FUN!! That's right, I said it, we like to have fun.
As far as changes are concerned, there are some new changes coming in our near future. We are moving very soon to a new website and new forums. I am very excited about our opportunities with the resources that will be at our disposal after the switch. If you are a JAG member, be looking for a private email about the change soon.
Another change in the works are some awesome new JAG signature items. Salamander60 has been working hard on providing us with a quality JAG logo that we can now have placed on virtually anything. I'm sure he will have samples at the JAG Turkey Fry event this weekend, don't miss it!! Also, don't forget about the JAG Christmas Extravaganza to be held on December 15th. Location to be announced soon.
We do have lots of things going on in the JAG Nation!! It's a good time to be a geocacher in the Jackson area for sure!! Do we have any reasons to lack enthusiasm here? Any reason whatsoever to be discouraged? I think not! Keep on cachin' and keep having FUN, that's what it's all about!!!