I had a really great time attending the 1st Annual JAG Campout and Midnight Weenie Roast over the last weekend. The turnout wasn't quite as good as I had hoped, but we had several really good friends who came out and braved the heat and it made this weekend very memorable.
We sat up camp on Friday at Mousetail Landing State Park on the edge of the Tennessee River and the fun quickly began. Mrs. T and I started grilling some chicken while we sat up our camp and soon had a very cool site in which to spend the weekend. I will add that we didn't really "rough it" this weekend as we had water and electric hookups at the site and brought our fan, electric skillet, coffee pot, toaster, radio, etc. to make the weekend even more fun.
RiverNWick and lilriver already had their tent up, and before you know it JoGPS, yogi and dolphin and jj77, The Shamrock and LLC had their camp sites up and we were enjoying fun around the campfire. We roasted marshmallows and talked for hours.
On Saturday, we popped up out of the bed early and brewed up some coffee and then had a great breakfast of eggs, sausage and bacon, and toast with butter and jelly. Hard to beat!!
Our day consisted of sitting around camp for a while and catching up with our friends and then for lunch we went to the first event of the weekend, JAG Nations First Annual BBQ. The event was held at the Mousetail Pavillion which turned out to be a great place to host an event I might add!! Several other cachers started showing up for this event including Keymaker, salpal and tennis40Love, cedarbear, horner58, turkey creek and tictac, and many more.
We watched yogi sweat over the grill while cooking up the hamburgers and hotdogs as all the other cachers sat around and talked to one another. After eating, a few cachers headed out to hike the trails and a few went on a cache run, but several of us sat around and played Mexican Train dominoes for a long time. It was fun to relax and not think about much of anything for a while.
After the event was over, we headed back to the campsite and sat around talking for a while, just relaxing around the campsite. It wasn't long before a few other cachers started showing up including The Bluff Boys who had been out caching during the day.
Before we knew it, it was time to head over to our next event, The JAG Crew Goes to the FishHouse. We made our way over to Perryville and waited around till our room was ready and then had a great meal as we talked around the table. The catfish was awesome!!! Then it was time to head back to camp again where we built one of the biggest campfires I have ever seen.
Everyone sat around the fire and talked, sang songs, and just enjoyed each others company till it was time for our next event, the 1st Annual JAG Campout and Midnight Weenie Roast The fire was so hot, we could barely get close enough to roast the weenies and marshmallows without getting burned, but we made do and soon it was time to hit the sack again.
After another good nights sleep, we were up and had another great breakfast at the campsite, and then it was time for the last event of the weekend, JAG Crew Cleans the MouseTail We all CITO'd around the campground and then broke camp, packed up and headed on our way.
It was a good time, and everyone who attended really seemed to agree we would like to schedule another campout again later in the fall. I hope the fall event will be attended by a few more cachers, but if not, I know those who attend will have fun just the same. At least I know I will!!