A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. -- Fr. Jerome Cummings
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends. -- Cindy Lew
Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure. -- Jewish Saying
"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you." -- Elbert Hubbard
"Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure." -- Jewish saying
My good friend dalls just reached his 1K milestone and in the geocaching world, that's big news!! dalls has found over 1000 geocaches and in recognition of this achievment, the JAG Nation held a special event in his honor.
His real name is Dallas, but I guess that name was taken when he started geocaching so he stuck with the name dalls. He does go by a few other names as well, but I won't go into them here!!!
Dallas has told me that I was somewhat responsible for getting him into geocaching. He read an article in The Jackson Sun back in 2005 that was written about me and Mrs. T and how we started geocaching and it set into motion what has now become a geocaching machine.
I have had the priveledge of going on several cache runs with dalls and always enjoyed his company and sense of humor.
I guess you could say that dalls was the creator of the geocaching team "The Bluff Boys" and he was involved in hosting the First Golden Circle GeoRace. To say the least, he has been very busy and very involved in the geocaching world in the Jackson area.
The event to honor his achievement was held at Corky's BBQ in Jackson and we packed the house!! I think he received more ammo cans at his 1K event than any other event we have attended. Not only did he get the customary Golden Ammo Can, but he also recieved several pink containers, a "Little Gay Bluff Boy" ammo can painted in rainbows and pastel colors and he recieved a red ammo can with an unforgettable picture of The Bluff Boy himself. He recieved a few Care Bears too as well as the usual SWAG.
After the lunch at Corky's, we all went over to watch the Diamond Jaxx baseball game and then stuck around to watch the fireworks show afterwards. AWESOME!
I haven't known Dallas very long, but I know he is the kind of guy who will do anything to help out a friend and he's also a good guy to have in your corner when things go sour.
Dallas is hapily married to his beautiful wife Angela, and he has three awesome kids, Brittney, Ripley, and Bryson. I don't think Angela is into the whole geocaching thing. Seems like Brittney cached with dalls a few times, but like most teenagers she has other things to do. Bryson is a little young to do much caching, so Ripley has become dalls main caching partner and a good caching partner she is!!
Well, I know we all had a great day celebrating dalls 1K, it was a great day with Good Friends, and Good Times!